Participant FAQ’s

Our participant FAQs are designed to help you get signed up and become a successful participant with Participant HQ.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of experience do you need to become a participant?

Anyone over the age of 18 can sign up to participate in our research studies. You do not need any particular education, work, or research participant experience in order to join. We welcome participants from all backgrounds and experiences!

What is the cancellation policy?

We request at least 24-hours notice for cancellations or reschedules. Repeat offenders will no longer be able to participate with us.

We take not showing up for your session very seriously, as it wastes the researcher’s time and resources. Not showing up to your scheduled session without notice will disqualify you from future participation.

The team reserves the right to withhold or offer partial payment if you do not complete your participation in its entirety or if you falsify information. Please follow the instructions and complete all parts required. If participating in a survey, please throughly read each page and answer honestly.

What does participation consist of?

Each research study is different, but common studies include online surveys, interviews, and user tests, as well as potentially in-person focus groups and workshops.

How will you get paid?

We send all payments via virtual gift cards. Each study will provide different incentive options for the gift card, typically including Visa, Amazon, other top retailers, and non profit organizations.

How much will you get paid?

Incentives for participation vary based on the type of research study. Most research studies are paid; however, we do occasionally have volunteer studies without a monetary incentive. You will always be informed of what the incentive is prior to starting a study.

Common incentives include:
– $100-$250 USD for a 60 minute video interview
– $15-$40 USD for a 10 minute online survey

What will you do with my information?

All of your personally identifiable information is completely confidential. We will never share or sell your contact information at any time. There are certain studies where the client may request the ability to contact you directly, but this will always be at your discretion.

What tools and/or technology do I need to participate?

Each study has different requirements. At a minimum, you will likely require an internet connection with a computer, smartphone, or tablet in order to participate in a session.

What locations in the world can participants come from?

Most of our clients are looking for participants in the US. However, anyone is welcome to register to be a participant, and we will invite you to studies as you are a fit.